June 7, 2019
With Shavuot beginning at the end of Shabbat, we invited our incoming class of SK students into their new classroom for an ice cream social. The children and parents got to be together, meet some of the teachers, hear a story and sing songs together. It was a wonderful taste of Kindergarten with a sweet taste of ice cream too!
Our incoming SK students are in for quite a treat as they enter Kindergarten next year. The year is rich in learning of all subject matter including math, science, prayer and Jewish holiday learning. An important focus of the school year is balanced literacy and honing each child’s emerging reading skills.
Throughout the year the children concentrate on emergent reading skills, proper formation of upper and lower case letters, oral communication and literature responses. By the end of June, our students are writing independently and stringing letters into words and words into sentences. The sense of pride they feel in their work is quite amazing as they truly begin to see themselves as readers and authors.
What is most exciting about our literacy program in SK is the ability for it to stretch and meet the needs of those who are ready for more as well as provide the support for those who are still mastering foundational literacy skills.
Our SK teacher prides herself on offering a balanced approach to literacy — one where phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency and comprehension are addressed in equal parts, and where students are taught the mechanics of reading as well as the love and meaning of reading. As Paul Penna DJDS students transition into Grade One they are confident readers and writers, ready to accept the challenges presented in the First Grade and use their literacy skills to consolidate learning of more meaningful content.
We are so excited to welcome in a new bunch of SK students and watch them blossom into confident readers and writers over the course of the next school year!